River obstructions in the form of dams, locks, and other such barriers, are a globally important impact that humans have had on the movement of water, sediment, organisms, and nutrients from land to sea. Despite existing datasets of the world’s largest dams like GRanD, there is not a global inventory of obstructions to rivers. That is the goal of this project: Identify and categorize human-built river barriers for rivers wider than ~30 meters across the globe. These barriers can vary enormously in their size, volume of water disrupted, and biological permeability (can fish swim past them?). We will try to capture some of this broad variation in river obstructions, so we need to be clear about the different barriers that may cross a river, which are listed here in the Barrier Types section.
We will be using Google earth engine for this project and instructions on how to use this software are detailed below. We will also be using the Global River Widths from Landsat (GRWL) dataset generated by George Allen and Tamlin Pavelsky. This dataset highlights all rivers wider than approx. 30m, and shows up as a yellow line in the images below.
If this is your first time opening this tutorial, please first complete the validation tutorial, which can be found here: https://globalhydrologylab.github.io/GROD/validation. The validation tutorial will lead you through river obstruction detection in four small areas around the globe and will take approx. 1 hour. Once you have completed the validation tutorial, please proceed to the rest of this tutorial. You do not need to sign up for an additional Google Earth Engine account, so you can skip step 1 in the ‘Set up’ section.
Sign up for Google Earth Engine: https://earthengine.google.com/
var Dams =...
and earth engine will prompt you to import these records. Click convert to do so.Go to the ‘Scripts’ tab in the top left corner of your screen. Click on the script.
Hit ‘Run’ at the center top of your screen.
When you have finished your cell, fill in the ‘date’ column here: cell tracking sheet
Hit next at the bottom of your screen to go to the next grid cell.
If you have made a mistake, click on the hand icon at the top left-hand corner of the map (see the red circle on the figure below). Next, click on the point you dislike. Lastly, hit backspace or delete on your keyboard.
To resume adding points, go back to the geometry bar (see the yellow box on the figure below), and click on the type of obstruction you want to add.
When you are done each day, please do the following:
Hit ‘Run’ at the top center of your screen or Ctrl + Enter on your keyboard.
Next, go to the ‘Task’ panel at the top right portion of your screen. You should see an item called ‘export_data.’
Hit ‘Run’ next to the ‘export_data’ item.
Hit ‘Run.’
Make sure to record all the cells you worked on today, the current date, and your name on in the cell tracking sheet
NOTE: After you enter your information for a grid cell and refresh the Fusion table, you may need to hit the little arrow next to the grid cell column that will appear next to the column header when you put your mouse over it. This will resort the column, and your info should reappear.
If you come across grid cells with poor data quality (cloudy or low-resolution images) or obstructions that are very hard to classify, please make note of these instances in this notes sheet. There is one tab for notes regarding challenging obstruction classifications and one tab for IDing grid cells with low quality.
Here is a decision tree to help you differentiate between different types of river obstructions. Detailed descriptions of each obstruction type are listed in the next section.
If fewer than all the chanels are obstructed, please see the section on Channel Dams. Otherwise, if all the channels are obstructed, please label each obstruction individually.
Multi-channel Dam Example 1
Dams should be the most obvious barriers you will encounter. These cover the entire river channel, not allowing any water to pass through except through the dam structure itself. These are strong barriers to both the flow of water and the movement of organisms above and below the dam. Examples below.
Dam Example 1
Dam Example 2
Locks are a subset of dams and are structures placed on rivers to help barges and other river traffic move up and downstream, these can look a lot like dams, and typically fully obstruct the flow of water in the river, however the lock system itself can be permeable to fish who can swim into the lock area and make their way upstream, though this is still a significant barrier it is not impossible to imagine fish moving upstream. Only full dams (concrete complete channel obstruction) with lock passages should be classified as locks.
Lock Example
Channel dams obstruct less than all of the channels on a multi-channel river. These can have significant upstream hydrologic impacts, but are less likely to alter ecological processes in the larger river section. Any type of dam (permeable, partial or otherwise) that is on a channel, should be classified as a channel dam. If all channels are impacted by obstructions see the Multi-channel rivers section.
Channel Dam Example 1
Channel Dam Example 2
Throughout your search for dams, you will likely encounter some dams that do not cover 100% of the river channel. For now we are just keeping track of these dams in two broad categories. Dams that cover > 50% of the channel, and dams that cover < 50% of the channel but more than 10%. These partial dams can be broken on the side of the channel or in the center but should be recorded as partial dams.
Partial Dam Example 1
Partial Dam Example 2
This barrier covers about 30% of the channel and should be included in the database.
Partial Dam Example 3
Little jetties or piers or tiny barrages will not be included in the dataset.
Partial Dam Example 4
For the purpose of this study, these dams will either have a small height difference upstream and downstream of the dam or will allow water to pass through them. These dams can look a lot like natural riffles or natural waterfalls and should only be included in the dataset if you are very sure that the structure is indeed a man-made river barrier. These will likely only be identifiable in parts of the world with higher resolution imagery. In earlier iterations of this project we called these permeable dams, but that name is misleading as one can not be sure if a dam is permeable without more focused local study. For now we have kept the permeable name in the category to keep nomenclature the same between different users, but for future work and publication these will more simply be called low-head dams. We recognize that this is a hard category to define and ask that you use your best judgment.
Low Dam 1
Low Dam 1 Google Street Bridge View
Low Dam 2
Low Dam 3
Low Dam 4 with lock feature
Low Dam 5
Many times in your search you will come across structures that could either be dams or natural riffles or just a random rock slide. To be cautious in our assignments you should label these in a broad category of uncertain.
Uncertain Dam 1
Uncertain Dam 2
We don’t have to record these natural features, but the category is available to you if you find it interesting or want to start a project about natural riffles.
Riffle 1
Riffle 2
For this project we are not calling roads obstructions unless the road itself is on a dam. Sometimes there are roads sitting on top of partial earthen dams, and those should be classified as partial dams.
You may want to know what a grid cell number is at a given location. To do this:
Click on the inspector tab at the top right of the screen.
Click on a location on the map. From there, you will see information pop up in the inspector window. Click on “GRID:” -> “Feature…” -> “Properties.” The grid id is labeled as “fxd_ndx.” You can then input this number at the bottom of your screen and hit enter to go to the corresponding grid cell on the map.
The latest version of the Google Earth Engine script will be posted on the project github page at (https://github.com/GlobalHydrologyLab/GROD) and we will update the content of this tutorial to reflect the changes we made to our script. If you’re working with a older version of the script, we recommend you to upgrade your version of script with the following three steps:
Because of ongoing work in the lab, the USA is a priority and you can use grid cell 118 as a reference point (roughly the middle of the USA) to find appropriate grid cells within the country.